Your Family Handyman                   

About Me

I was born and raised in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Oh ya, I'm a Yooper, eh?).
Moved to West Michigan in 1984.
I'm married.  My wife and I have 5 children between us.
My family and I attend Calvary Church of Muskegon.
I have over 30 years experience in home maintenance, repair, remodeling and construction.      
I am a Life Member of the "Handyman Club Of America".
I possess a Certified Renovator certificate for "Lead Safety For Renovation, Repair And Painting".
I possess a Michigan Individual Residential Builder's License (#2101197499) in good standing (Click here to verify).

I started "Your Family Handyman" because I saw a dire need for low cost, honest, efficient, quality handyman services in the West Michigan area. 
The vast majority of my work comes from referrals by my customers.
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